About Me

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I am grandma to 13 grandchildren ages 10 and under. I have been married to my husband for 36 years. We have crazy times at our house with all the grand kids,but I wouldn't change a thing.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Some funny prizes, right Josiah and Halee
Having fun playing one of the games! Looks like fun don't you think...........

This is where it all begins Mom and us six kids Wow did we do this!

The wonderful baby-sitter,

Mom and a lot of her great grand kids not every one is pictured because it was nap time for some, plus a few are missing.

Thought I'd try to catch up a little its been very busy here! This is the first week that I haven't had Shannon and Aarons kids for three weeks, So I caught up on mowing lawn and went shopping with my mom on Tuesday, in Shipshewana it was a very nice day, We haven't been together since Jerry became ill because she was at the hospital every day, It was nice we just enjoyed the day without too much stress. We had a great time at our Christmas in July week-end. Mom counted and said there were 79 of us there all together, I love having it in the summer since we aren't able to fit in one house anymore, The kids have a great time playing and getting to know their extended cousins. It was a little laid back this year since Jerry had been so ill and all and we were greatly surprised to have him join us since he got out of the hospital on the Friday of the week-end. He looks great and just needs to regain his strength back. My brother George has a train that he made that he gives the kids rides in they love it and it keeps them out of lots of trouble, thanks George. Vickie and Trudy worked hard to have games for all the little kids. They love this and look forward to it every year, Thanks Girls you did a great job. Here are a few pictures, Keep praying for Lenore, Aarons mom She is doing a little bit better they put a trachea in yesterday and she is holding her own. Looks like a good time had by all,

Monday, July 20, 2009

Three Stitches on the outside two on the inside. Five stitches in all
Just a little blood on his shirt, He really did a great job , all bandaged up

Its been to say the least a crazy month. My brother Jerry has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now, He finally turned the corner last Wednesday and it out of ICU He just need to regain his strength. After 2 weeks on a ventilator and not knowing from day to day if he was going to make it, It all started from a gall bladder infection that went into his blood stream. The second week that Jerry was in the hospital Aarons mom came down with a bladder infection that went into her blood stream She is still very critical and on a ventilator its day by day. So please keep praying. I've been watching the kids while they are in Dayton, Ohio. They called yesterday and needed to get back to the hospital. So we rushed down to pick up the kids., Caleb is going to camp this week along with Malachi and Halee. We were supposed to have Sunday evening service at our house, But due to circumstances it was cancelled. So since I had all the food prepared We called Shawn and Megan and Genesa and Mark and asked them over to help eat the food and keep the kids occupied. Well every thing was going OK until Caleb swung some plastic toy around and it came apart and hit Josiah above the eye, and split it open. So off to the emergency room we went and had 5 stitches put in his eyebrow, He was a real trooper never even cried when the numbed or stitched the Dr. and nurses were all really impressed with him, Here are a few pictures Hope Shannon and Aaron check out the blog, We only pray that we can simmer down and not have quite so much excitement around here, Nanny and Paw are really getting tired and its not much fun seeing a grandchild go through all of that. Let alone seeing your kids going through everything with Lenore. We know everything is in Gods hands and He will take care of everything We can trust and re lie on Him, Have a great day and keep Praying,

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ready to eat! yea the burgers and hot dogs are being grilled,. It was a beautiful day for the
fire works. Believe it or not we didn't even have a lot of mosquitoes.
Here are the troops at least 11 of the 13 grand kids Josiah had just gotten his leg scraped and wasn't too happy. That didn't last to long the grand kids had a great time and enjoyed the food and the evening together they even had time to make a club house in the fence row. Hope they don't all get poison ivy, it seems we have a bumper crop this year.,

This is what it looked like before everyone arrived. We did have a good time and no one was hurt setting off the fire works,. God has been very gracious to us and blessed us with so much. We continue to keep Jerry in our prayers he is still very critical. All we can do is pray and place him in Gods hands., Hope everyone had a wonderful 4Th of July and remembered to pray for our country because we really need it. We are planing to go to the hospital to see Jerry in a little while, So I will try to keep every one posted,. Until later have a wonderful and blessed day,.